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the Field in

Spinal Manipulation

Try Chiropractic FIRST

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Joint Replacement

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  • Our office is patient-centered; you're the boss. Whether you want temporary pain relief or a program of whole-body-wellness, we'll help you achieve your health goals.

  • We understand by the time many people call a chiropractor they're already in serious discomfort, so we keep openings in our schedule to accommodate our patients just about any time of day. Same-day appointments are available. 

  • We offer complimentary consultations. If you're truly interested in your health, Dr. Tom will be happy to discuss it with you at no charge. 

  • We don't preach; we educate. Educated patients who fully understand their problems get better results, so our practice offers a variety of resources that inform — without being preachy.

  • We provide affordable care. Besides accepting insurance and participating in the most popular plans, we offer a variety of payment arrangements that makes our chiropractic care affordable for just about anyone.

Why Choose Conservative Care First....

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chiropractor cortland oh

World Class Chiropractor


Doctors of  Chiropractic are educated as primary-care providers, with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the musculoskeletal system (the muscles, ligaments and joints of the spine and extremities) and the nerves that supply them.


Educational requirements for doctors of chiropractic are among the most stringent of any of the health care professions.   

chiropractor cortland oh

What is Chiropractic 


The origins of chiropractic care may be traced back thousands of years. Hippocrates, the Greek physician, published texts detailing the importance of chiropractic care.


In the United States, the practice of spinal manipulation gained momentum in the late nineteenth- century and in 1895, Daniel David Palmer founded the chiropractic profession in Davenport, Iowa. He later founded the Palmer School of Chiropractic, which to this day is one of the most prominent chiropractic colleges in the United States.


Today, doctors of chiropractic continue to gain support all over the world, and are considered pioneers in the field of non-invasive care promoting a science-based approach to a variety of ailments.


Chiropractic care provides many benefits including: a better night's sleep, more energy, and better nerve system function.


Joints that are not moving properly can cause serious misalignment known as subluxation. Adjustments are needed to restore proper function to these joints, which improves motion and helps the bones gradually return to a more normal position. Chiropractic adjustments train the vertebrae to maintain proper alignment and movement. Keeping your spine free of vertebral subluxations promotes a healthier body with less stress, more energy, and greater resistance to disease.

chiropractor cortland oh
chiropractor cortland oh

148 W. Main Street

Cortland, Ohio 44410

To Schedule An Appointment

Call 330.638.7310

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